Whether you’re self-quarantined or your gym has just closed its doors, this coronvirus can be a real kick in the kettlebells—especially when it impedes your training. 

The good news is that we have a contingency plan for when these situations arise. Matt Pudvah, C.S.C.S., the head strength coach at the Manchester Athletic Club in Massachusetts, recommends subbing in these six moves. They all require minimal equipment and only a few square feet of space and tax multiple muscle groups. At eight to 12 reps each, one round takes only about 10 minutes.

Run through these exercises once to supplement your workout, or do three rounds to make it your workout. Now, get to it.

Person tying sneakers before performing an at home workout with dumbbells

Our 10 Most Popular Home Workouts

If you're social distancing, these will be your new go-tos.

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