More than half of all New Year’s resolutions involve health, and, according to a Nielson survey, “stay fit and healthy” and “lose weight” were the two most common ones. Those stats, and the fact that you’re reading this means you, most likely, have professed such wishes

There’s one problem: Those goals aren’t nearly specific enough for you to win. After all, they’re vague. What’s “fit” for one person may be different for another.

A better approach would be to set goals that you can better plan for, such as losing 15 pounds, running a 5K in 12 weeks, or adding 25 pounds to your bench press. This way, your goals are measured, and you’ll either accomplish them or not.

While having a defined goal is a good start, the odds of success hinge on a willingness to embrace change

“Our brains are extremely effective in managing the status quo,” says John Sullivan, Psy.D., clinical sport psychologist and founder of Clinical & Sports Consulting Services. “However, we also have an outstanding ability to change—also known as self-­directed neuroplasticity. Relying upon rituals and having plans when roadblocks develop will allow for more consistent progress.” 

Here, we list worthy fitness resolutions and the roadblocks you may encounter en route to the finish line—and expert advice on how to avoid them. 

10 Most Commonly Broken Fitness Resolutions

10 Most Commonly Broken Health and Fitness Resolut...

How many are you guilty of breaking?

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