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HIIT Hard With the Impact Wrap Boxing Circuit

Work the heavy bag, break a sweat, and track your power with this innovative tool.

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  • 25 min

  • 10

  • Yes


The KO punching power of Mike Tyson and cardio conditioning of Sly Stallone in the Rocky empire were built by boxing, not just at the weight stack. If you want to build more explosive speed and demolish your PRs, you’ve got to take a page from these guys’ training books. By working variations of just two moves—punches and kicks—plus doing plyometrics drills, you instantly wield an endless array of methods to build superior coordination, strength, and endurance.

NYC-based personal trainer and certified boxing instructor Reggie Chambers designed this heavy bag circuit to take you to the brink, from where you are to where you can be, even if that’s not inside the ring. Each move is done for time, so go ape-wild until your timer tells you to stop. Your conditioning won’t suck so bad after this and you’ll be stronger—guaranteed.      

The tool: a heavy bag. The best way to improve over time is to measure and track your metrics—and a bracelet won’t tell you jack. Impact Wrap, a portable fitness tracker that wraps securely around any heavy bag can track your total power output, total force, calories burned, etc.—blow by blow. To pick one up or point your gym owner to one, go to Impact Wrap’s Kickstarter page (starting July 14) to get yours for just $189.the

Learn the Combos

Move 1: Left/right jab cross and squat for 30-60 seconds.

Get in boxing stance in front of a heavy bag, feet shoulder width apart, aligning the toes of your strong, leading foot with the heel of your back foot. Both toes pointed at a 45 degree angle to the heavy bag in front of you. Hands up, one always protecting your face. Throw two punches (left then right) then squat. Continue combination for 30-60 seconds.

Move 2: Cross punch for 30-60 seconds.

This drill works the shoulders and arms. Think 30 seconds is easy? Go all out, making sure to throw your force into each cross punch, keeping your abs tight and face protected with the non-working hand. If you’re right handed keep your left foot forward and right foot in back or vice versa. When you throw a punch your hand should go back to your face instead of down.

Move 3: Right side kicks (10 Reps), left side kicks (10 Reps) and 30 straight punches for 90-120 seconds.

Stand with the heavy bag at your right side, about leg’s length away. Get in fighter stance with your right leg back, left arm guarding your face and right hand in front of your chin. Rotate your hips and pivot on your left foot, keeping your knee raised, powerfully strike out to your right, hitting through the heavy bag with the heel of your right foot, toes and feet flexed, heel sticking out and making first contact. Recoil your foot then knee immediately. Continue for time.

Move 4: Lunge with kick and four jab crosses for 30-45 seconds.

Standing in front of a heavy bag about leg’s length away, step back with your right foot into a lunge, then explode up from the bottom, driving through your left heel to return to standing. And immediately flow right into a front kick with your heel. Return foot to boxing stance so one foot is slightly back, then perform 4 cross punches, alternating hands. Repeat sequence with opposite leg. Continue combinations for time.

Move 5: Hooks for 30-45 seconds (each side).

This is an incredible obliques workout. Do nonstop hooks for time: Get in fighter stance with your dominant foot back. With your front foot turned in about 45 degrees and your weight between both feet and your back heel off the ground, bring your hands up to your face. Perform the hook with the non-leading hand for 30-45 seconds. Then switch sides.

Move 6: Burpee with pushup, straight punches and two hooks for 30-45 seconds.

Begin from standing, about arm’s length from a heavy bag, feet hip width. Perform a burpee: Keeping your chest up, lower your hips into a squat position and place your hands on the floor in front of you, at the top of a pushup position. Jump your feet out into the top of a pushup, keeping abs tight, then lower into a pushup. Return to top of plank and then jump your feet and hips back into a lowered squat and drive through your heels to jump straight into the air. Land softly then punch heavy bag with left then right hand, then do a left then right hook. Continue for time.

This workout is by personal trainer, Reggie Chambers. 


Want a copy on the go?

Impact Wrap Circuit

Complete routine 3 times.

Exercise 2 of 10

Bodyweight Squat

No Equipment
*Repeat couplet for 30-60 seconds completing as many repetitions as possible in that time.
Exercise 4 of 10

Impact Wrap Roundhouse Kick

10 (each leg)
*Complete as couplet with jab-cross (3B).
Exercise 7 of 10

Impact Wrap Roundhouse Kick

*Complete as triset with lunge and jab crosses (4A, 4C).
How to
*Complete as triset with lunge and kick (4A,4B). Repeat lunge/kick/jab combo for 30-45 seconds for time.
Exercise 9 of 10

Impact Wrap Weave and Hook

45 sec (each side)
Exercise 12 of 10

Impact Wrap Weave and Hook

1 (each arm)
*Repeat triset for up to 45 seconds, completing as many rounds as possible.
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