Some might argue the emergence of text messaging was the greatest thing to happen to relationships. You blast out a quick note to say you’re on your way to dinner, send a late-night (possibly drunken) love confession that won’t wake her at 3a.m., and keep a conversation going throughout the day that makes you both feel connected. But along the way, we’ve adopted some less-than-endearing habits.

It was OK for your text etiquette to be horrendous when you had to punch a key four times to get a single letter. But now, with a full keyboard at your fingertips, there’s no excuse for radio silence, one-word answers, and crappy communication—period. Read on for the messages women absolutely hate to receive, at every stage of a relationship.

15 sex tips from the bedrooms of real women

15 sex tips from the bedrooms of real women

Real advice from real women.

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“‘Send me nudes.’ Let us do that on our own.” – Chrissie S.

“One-word answers.” – Nickole R.

Couple Kissing in Bed

7 Easy Steps to Giving the Best Oral Sex of Her Li...

Our guide will turn any man into an orgasm-inducing machine.

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“‘’Sup.’ ‘What u up to.’ ‘Hey.’ Hello! Be a normal human and ask a [real] question.” – Rose W.

“‘Send nudes.’ Or, if he uses ‘your’ when it should be ‘you’re’, ‘to’ when it should be ‘too,’ or any of the wrong ‘their,’ ‘they’re,’ and ‘there.’” – Nicole G. 

Romantic Couple on Dock

How to be more attractive to women

7 ways to turn her on.

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“My least favorite is months after you’ve ended things, and they pop back up with a ‘Just thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing,’ or ‘I wanted to apologize for how things ended.’ Both of these things are selfish and a way for you to feel better about yourself. I’ve had dudes I dated show up YEARS later and it’s just like, don’t you have better things to do than reopen closed doors?!” – Olivia F. 

Couple in bed

9 ways to be a straight-up legend in the sack

Be the guy she won't forget.

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“‘Where r u.’ At 2a.m. If we’re not dating and we’re just getting to know each other, don’t reach out in the middle of the night for a booty call.” – Erica S.

6 top sex positions and how to train for them

6 top sex positions and how to train for them

How to prep for sex and perform at your best in the bedroom.

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“The most annoying thing is when they answer with one word and don’t ask any questions back—digital equivalent of talking to a wall.” – Laura P.

This sex position could break your penis

This sex position could break your penis

Remember this the next time you're getting freaky in the sheets.

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“‘K.’ This is the fastest way to get a girl to either shutdown or blow up on you.” – Arianna D. 

Woman wearing lingerie lying in bed

What women fantasize about when they masturbate

It could be you...or her ex.

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“‘Relax.’” – Quinn G.

10 sex toys that will get her off every time

10 sex toys that will get her off every time

Increase your sexual performance and reach climax faster.

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“‘LOL’ at the end of every text.” – Brianne R.

Couple In Bed

We Asked 20 Women: What anxieties do you have duri...

She has just as many thoughts and fears as you do.

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“‘Fine.’ I don’t know why but nothing sounds like you care less than this word.” – Liana M. 

Man And Woman Intimate In Bed

What to do if you can’t orgasm with your par...

Take action with these six steps in order to perform in the bedroom.

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“When he responds: ‘I don’t care.’ to everything—what to eat, where to go, what to do. Well, guess what? That makes me not care.” – Rose L. 

5 sex myths she believes

5 sex myths she believes

These need to be set straight—STAT.

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“Silence. Not saying a single thing back to a text is the MOST annoying thing a guy can do.” – Rebecca E. 

12 crazy, off-the-wall places to have sex

12 crazy, off-the-wall places to have sex

Can you top these true, off-the-wall stories?

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“An unsolicited d*ck pic.” – Corie D. 

Couple In Bed

How to incorporate sex toys into your favorite sex...

Experience an orgasm like you've never had before.

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“An excuse—canceling dinner or date plans because something came up, blah, blah, blah. And bad enough you’re ditching me; you can’t even call!?” – Lindsay M. 

Woman Laying in Bed

How can I get my girlfriend more comfortable havin...

Use these expert tips to find the perfect middle ground.

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“I can’t stand when guys ask for naked pics when we’re not in a relationship.” – Heather J.

5 warning signs you’ll regret having sex with her

5 warning signs you’ll regret having sex with her

How to tell if she’s clingy, selfish, or just not for you.

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“When they’re super vague. Like, ‘Yeah, we should hang out sometime.’ Ummm, hello?! Give me a date and time, please.” – Carla E.

“If there’s one pause in the conversation and he goes, ‘soooo….’. Am I not allowed to put my phone down for two minutes?!” – Raquel B.

These are the sex rituals of satisfied, long-term couples

3 side effects of sex you’ve never heard of

Beyond STIs and pregnancy, here are 3 you need to read to believe.

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“When a guy is being immature, insecure, and sends 15 text messages in what could have fit in 1. Prime example: 

What’s up?
Going to the bar tonight if you ever want to answer your phone and join.
You coming?


Grow up. If I was busy and didn’t have my phone on me, then saw this, I definitely wouldn’t want to hang out.” – Alicia N.

Your guide to dating over the holidays

7 ways to pave the way for sizzling make-up sex

7 ways to entice her into bed by fighting fair.

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“‘Pics.’ Oh, so you want nudes and I’m supposed to deduce that from your one-word caveman request. No, sir. You get none.” – Brigid A.