The Best Total Protein Supp

With more and more research being done on newer protein forms, we wanted to take a deeper look at the different proteins and debunk any myths that are floating around the fitness industry. Specifically, we examined the different types of protein and show how you may benefit more from a protein blend, rather than sticking with just plain whey.

The Power of 3: Total Protein Coverage

Whey Protein

It is the fastest-digesting protein and often taken post-workout to support recovery. Because of its speed, it supports protein synthesis for a short time, which is why it may not be the optimal protein.

Casein Protein

Casein is known as the ideal protein to take before bed. This is because it digests slowly and provides a steady stream of aminos to support recovery and growth for anywhere between five and seven hours.

Soy Protein

Soy has gotten a bad rap as an estrogen booster due to inconclusive studies. In reality, soy has the full range of aminos to build muscle and delivers them with a speed in between whey and casein.

MHP Probolic SR

Blend vs. Whey: The Study

New research on protein synthesis is constantly being published, and one recent study in particular caught our attention. Published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, the study compared the difference in anabolic response from a pure whey protein versus from a blend of whey, soy, and casein proteins. Researchers showed that the protein blend resulted in an anabolic response that was seven times greater compared with pure whey. This is because the varying digestion rates of casein, soy, and whey provide slow, medium, and fast delivery, allowing you to stay in an anabolic state longer.

MHP Probolic-SR: The All-in-One Protein Supp

The research-backed blend has been taken to the market in the form of Probolic-SR. The formula behind it incorporates a whey, soy, and casein blend to provide sustained protein delivery. This blend ensures that you remain in an anabolic state for an extended period compared with whey. The blend is accompanied by a patented Sustained Release Micro-Feed Technology providing sustained release of critical amino acids for up to 12 hours after being ingested. By allowing for different delivery times of the amino acids glutamine, arginine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, you are ensuring that the anabolic effects of protein are much more prolonged than with any other supplement on the market. To find out more, visit