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One of the hardest things about losing weight is keeping your appetite under control.
When you eat less and try to stick to a diet, the cravings can become unbearable.
So for the past year, I’ve been testing out appetite suppressants to try and keep my hunger under control.
After researching and testing many products, I found five that work.
Here’s my list of the top 5 best appetite suppressants:
These supplements suppress your appetite, boost your energy, and help you lose weight.
With my top pick (PhenQ), my appetite completely went away, and I lost more than 10lbs (5kg) in less than 30 days doing hardly any exercise.
Keep reading to find out why these are the five best appetite suppressants that actually work.
At number 1 on my list of the best appetite suppressants is PhenQ.
PhenQ is an all-in-one weight loss pill that will help crush your cravings for unhealthy food.
Prepared in FDA and GMP-approved facilities in the US and the UK, PhenQ contains natural ingredients that are 100% safe for people of all ages.
PhenQ will help to:
By suppressing your appetite, PhenQ will help you to eat less and stick to your diet.
Best of all, you’ll have tons of energy to push yourself through workouts and burn off stubborn body fat.
How does PhenQ work?
PhenQ works because it contains research-backed ingredients that are proven to help suppress your appetite and lose weight.
Unlike some other companies I looked into, PhenQ is entirely transparent about what goes into its supplements.
Here’s a look at what’s inside:
The research behind these ingredients is impressive and shows that PhenQ is an effective way to suppress your appetite and lose weight.
Customers seem to like it too!
Axelle used PhenQ to lose 9 lbs in just one month.
She found it helped her stick with her diet and gave her enough energy to get through her workouts.
You can see more amazing PhenQ reviews with before and after pictures on the official website here.
Seeing these results and looking into the ingredients, I decided to try it myself.
My PhenQ Results – Here’s Why It’s The Best Appetite Suppressant
My goal with PhenQ was to see if it could help me stop eating so much, give me some energy to exercise, and help me lose weight.
I wanted to do intermittent fasting (skip breakfast) and have a healthy, low-carb lunch and dinner.
I bought one bottle, which lasts 30 days, and here’s what happened:
The incredible thing was that I ate so little compared to normal and still didn’t feel hungry.
Evenings used to be the worst for me when it came to snacking. But while I was taking PhenQ, I didn’t get any cravings at all.
This is why PhenQ is my number 1 recommendation on this list of the best appetite suppressants.
All purchases come with free shipping and a 60-day money-back guarantee so if you aren’t delighted, simply return your order for a no-hassle refund.
Click here to visit the official PhenQ website and start suppressing your appetite today!
At number 2 on my list of the best appetite suppressants is Zotrim.
Zotrim contains natural ingredients to help you break bad habits like snacking and overeating and stick with a healthy eating plan.
The Zotrim formula will give you the energy to exercise more and increase the number of calories you burn during the day.
By helping you cut calories and become more active, Zotrim will result in faster weight loss than three major prescription drugs.
How does Zotrim work?
Zotrim has been clinically proven to aid weight loss and is one of the most thoroughly researched appetite suppressants.
Five clinical trials and 10 expert-approved papers are published in peer-reviewed medical journals to support its effectiveness.
At the heart of Zotrim is a herbal blend that contains two leaf extracts – Yerba Maté and Damiana – and one seed extract – Guarana.
This clinical trial found that a blend of these three extracts “significantly delayed gastric emptying” and “induced significant weight loss” when taken consistently for 45 days.
Here’s an in-depth look at the main ingredients in Zotrim:
Zotrim also contains caffeine, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6, which will help reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue.
When I tried Zotrim:
I tried Zotrim because I saw it on lots of different lists of the best appetite suppressants, so I wanted to try it.
There are some appetite-suppressing ingredients in there, so the science checks out.
I didn’t find it as effective as PhenQ, but I noticed my appetite was suppressed, and I never felt hungry while taking it, so it works.
It has a 100% money-back guarantee, so if you’re looking for a trusted appetite suppressant that works, order Zotrim now and start taking control of what you eat.
Click here to visit the Zotrim website to see how it will suppress your appetite!
At number 3 on my list of the best appetite suppressants is Trimtone.
Trimtone is a 100% natural fat burner made especially for women. It offers 24/7 fat burning and helps you achieve your body goals without feeling hungry.
Trimtone boosts your metabolism, so you burn stored body fat around the clock.
By speeding up your metabolism, you will naturally burn more calories and fat, even while you’re resting.
How does Trimtone work?
Trimtone is a one-a-day formula that’s super easy to use. Take one capsule a day before breakfast to suppress your appetite and burn fat all day.
Unlike some other appetite suppressants, Trimtone contains only proven ingredients that will support your goals and deliver quick results.
Trimtone contains caffeine, just like PhenQ and Zotrim.
It also contains a range of unique ingredients you won’t find anywhere else.
By looking at the ingredients, it’s easy to see how Trimtone will help you lose weight.
I like the addition of Glucomannan as an appetite suppressant.
When I tried Trimtone
As an appetite suppressant, I found Trimtone to be fantastic. I would take one pill about mid-morning and got a real sense of fullness.
Because of this, I would sometimes skip lunch (because I wasn’t hungry) and only eat one meal a day, dinner.
Best of all, it has a 100-day money-back guarantee. So if you’re not completely satisfied, you can get a full refund, no questions asked.
Click here to visit the Trimtone website and see how it will suppress your appetite!
Number 4 on my list of the best appetite suppressants goes to PhenGold.
PhenGold is a weight loss supplement that contains some powerful appetite-suppressing ingredients.
PhenGold is great for:
As a 100% natural supplement, PhenGold can be taken by people of all ages who want to keep their appetite under control and lose some weight.
How does PhenGold work?
PhenGold contains clinically proven ingredients to reduce cravings and help you stick to your diet.
Some of the ingredients like green coffee and green tea are in the products we talked about above and are proven to boost energy and fat loss.
But PhenGold also contains several other ingredients you won’t find in other appetite suppressants.
These include:
I like that they have added ingredients to reduce fatigue and improve mental focus and mood.
When I tried PhenGold
One of the hardest parts about losing weight is feeling tired and moody; it can be hard to concentrate when you cut calories.
When I used PhenGold, I felt in a great mood most of the time and noticed that I was much more focused and calmer.
It made sticking to my diet plan much easier.
And as an appetite suppressant, I found it very effective.
It’s not as powerful as my number 1 pick PhenQ, but it was definitely effective, and because I was feeling focused and in a good mood, I naturally ate less and lost weight.
Customers like Laura like PhenGold too!
PhenGold has dozens of testimonials on the official website worth checking out.
Every order comes with free shipping and an industry-leading money-back guarantee, so if you’re not satisfied, you can easily get your money back.
Click here to visit the PhenGold website and see why this appetite suppressant is pure gold!
At number 5 on my list of the best appetite suppressants is Proactol.
Proactol is a natural fat burner by Bauer Nutrition that helps curb your appetite and lose weight safely.
It contains natural ingredients to improve digestion and help control your appetite.
How does Proactol work?
Proactol is unique because it doesn’t contain caffeine, a common stimulant found in most appetite suppressants and weight loss pills.
Instead, it contains Chitosan, a naturally occurring sugar derived from the hard outer skeleton of shrimp, lobster, and crab.
Chitosan causes the fat in food to bind into molecules too big to be absorbed by the body, resulting in better weight control.
This reduces the fat your body absorbs and stores, helping you lose weight and become healthier and fitter.
According to this review of data from 15 clinical trials, chitosan supplementation results in:
“significantly greater weight loss compared with a placebo over 8 weeks.”
This remarkable ingredient will help you eat the foods your body needs to stay fuller for longer without storing as much fat.
When used in conjunction with a balanced diet and fitness routine, it can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
When I used Proactol:
It says on the Proactol website that it can curb cravings and suppress appetite, and it definitely did for me.
It’s nowhere near as effective as my top picks, but it does work. The week before I used Proactol, I overate and was constantly hungry.
After a few days of using it, I wasn’t interested in eating junk food anymore.
However, I got pretty hungry in the evenings and snacked on sweets and treats a bit too often, which is why I recommend my top pick PhenQ over this.
If you are thinking of buying Proactol, then you’ll be pleased to hear it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Click here to visit the official Proactol website and see what it could do for you!
Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of high-fiber, low-calorie foods are great ways to suppress your appetite, but for most of us, this isn’t enough.
So here’s a quick recap of our top 5 best appetite suppressants that actually work:
While clinical trials back all five appetite suppressants, one is head and shoulders above the rest, and it’s PhenQ.
While using this, I never felt hungry or had any cravings, which helped me stick to my low-carb diet plan and do intermittent fasting.
So, if you’re looking for something to suppress your appetite and help you lose weight, I’d recommend going straight to the PhenQ website and getting some for yourself.
Plus, it comes with a money-back guarantee, so you can try it at no risk.
Thanks for checking out my articles on the best appetite suppressants. I hope you found it helpful.