28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleOne of the many trends in fitness these days is for every workout to have a clearly stated “functional” purpose. For example, Monday is lower-body pure strength and core stability, Tuesday is upper-body pull and gymnastics skill work, and so on. Fine. Even though we historically set trends at M&F, we’ll play along and follow one for a change.
Today, the objectives are upper-body push strength, triceps hypertrophy, and carving out a badass pair of horseshoes. Clear enough? How about functional? Those who say no have probably never had a decent set of triceps.
This workout will get you headed in that direction with classic no-nonsense exercises and an equitable blend of heavy weight/low reps and light weight/high reps, plus intensity-boosting dropsets and rest-pauses that will leave your triceps with no option but to grow.
Note: For the bench dip exercise in the following workout, use this formula for maximum gains: