28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleAre you a chimp or a champ? Want to evolve from a Paleolithic Neanderthal into a fully developed biped? Then ditch your prehistoric training program and try this full-body routine. This formula is a bottomless pit of rest-pauses and supersets. Each day you’ll attack a new body part from various angles, resting mere seconds between sets, so this particular strategy is pretty intense.
First, select a weight with which you can do 12-15 reps for each of the two exercises. Perform your first superset, then rack the weight. Take three slow, deep breaths (resting no more than 15 seconds) and grunt like a caveman—yup, go ahead and grunt—then repeat. Take three more deep breaths (don’t forget the grunt) and perform a third, and in some cases, fourth, superset with the same weight. Continue by supersetting the next exercise combination, duplicating the work-rest process. Repeat the entire sequence as indicated. You’ll have three days of rest throughout the week. Try this routine for six weeks, then go dig up a club for slaying those pesky pterodactyls.
Ready to evolve? Read on.
Note: Take a rest day after day 2 and day 4.