28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleAs we continue our Classic Iron Workout Program, we’ll be utilizing more tried-and-true exercises with which you’re probably familiar, like deadlifts and planks. These classic muscle-building strategies work just as well now as they did decades ago—so why fix what isn’t broken?
On Day 2 we’re working on legs, shoulders, and abs. In the video above, Sean Collins, C.S.C.S., the head powerlifting coach at Murder of Crows Barbell Club in Brooklyn, shows us how it’s done.
This workout (and the program overall) is designed to increase your strength above all. You’ll rest for 5-7 minutes between the deadlift sets, so make sure you’re using a challenging weight that pushes your limits on those lifts. (Also, make sure you warm up thoroughly before those deadlifts. Here’s a guide to warming up before lifting heavy.)
Pro tip: For the dumbbell overhead press, you should start with the dumbbells at eye height, raise them so that the two dumbbells make contact over your head, and then slowly bring them down to ear height.
Check out 25 strength-training exercises for the best upper-body workout of all time, the best upper-body workout, and 10 upper-body moves that build your core.
For a complete archive of our daily quick-hit routines, go to mensfitness.com/todaysworkout.