28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleHow do you lose that extra layer off your belly? I’m talking about that spare tire or the little bit of love that keeps hanging around the bottom of your stomach. Time to say goodbye to that unwanted fat on your stomach. Quickly get rid of your belly fat with this efficient and intense abs workout.
SEE ALSO: 11 Fat Blasting HIIT Workouts
This fast paced workout will target specific muscles that will have your stomach looking shredded when you take your shirt off this summer.
You will do the workout in a tri-set fashion where you’ll go from exercise A-B-C with no rest. That equals 1 round; you will do three rounds of each tri-set. The goal is to get as many reps as possible in the given time period (see below) for each exercise.
1. In the first round you will perform each exercise for 30 seconds, going from A-B-C with no rest, followed by 1 minute of rest at the end of round.
2. In the second round you will perform each exercise for 20 seconds with no rest between moves, followed by 30 seconds of rest at end of round.
3. In the final round you will perform each exercise for 10 seconds with no rest between moves.
After you complete the first tri-set, rest for 1 minute and then move on to tri-set 2 and repeat the time sequence.