Want to fast-track your upper body into an eye-catching X frame? Whip your shoulders into shape. This workout moves your shoulders through multiple planes using light resistance to target and reinforce one of your most vulnerable joints, giving them strength, agility, and gorgeous cascading cuts no one can miss. IFBB pro Candice Lewis gets her coveted capped delts with these five key moves.
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding two D-handles attached to a low-pulley cable with your palms facing you.
- Keeping your posture upright and core engaged, pull cable up until handles reach chin height.
- Slowly lower cable without letting weight stack touch.
- Perform two sets of 12–15 reps.
Tip: Raise elbows only to shoulders so emphasis doesn’t move to traps.
SEE ALSO: Nicole Wilkins’ Shoulders and Arms Workout