28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read article“When it comes to triceps workouts, I focus on exercises that tone rather than build muscle mass. To help with definition of these muscles, I perform the last set of each exercise to failure.”
1. Dip on pull-up assistance machine (3×15): “I switch up the normal triceps dip and do them on the pullup-assisted machine using the knee pad as a bench—this forces you to press down into the movement versus pressing up through your triceps.”
2. Dumbbell Skull Crusher (3×15): “I like using dumbbells because each arm has to work independently, and you have to concentrate on controlling the weights.”
3. Flat-Arm Pushup (3x to failure): “Begin in a full pushup position with hands close together, then drop to your forearms and return to a pushup position.”
SEE ALSO: Candice Lewis’ Shoulder Workout
“These exercises help to isolate and build up strength in the triceps, so you get a lean, toned look.”
1. Incline Triceps Extension (3×15-20): “This exercise is great for isolating your triceps and elongating the muscle. I like to use an EZ-curl bar to maintain focus.”
2. Bentover Dumbbell Kickback (3×15-20): “I love this exercise because you’re really isolating your triceps, but it’s crucial to have correct form. Make sure to move slowly and with control. I like to use a moderate weight for these.”
3. Incline Seated Tricep Overhead Extension with Rope (3×15-20): “Sit on an incline bench facing away from the machine with cable pulley mounted low. Keep wrists neutral and palms facing each other. Bend elbows so upper arms are parallel to ears. Slowly raise rope toward ceiling, finishing with arms extended above head. Do eccentric (lowering) portion for three counts and concentric (lifting) for one count.”