This weekend at the 2012 NPC Nationals, there will be a total of 62 new IFBB Pros crowned in Atlanta. for some, it's taken years to get here and when it's all said and done, it's over in a matter of seconds. With over 900 competitors competing here in Atlanta, you have to stand out from head to toe in order to get that nod from the judges.

Congratulations to all NPC Amateur Athletes that made it this far to compete.

This weekend at the 2012 NPC Nationals, there will be a total of 62 new IFBB Pros crowned in Atlanta. for some, it's taken years to get here and when it's all said and done, it's over in a matter of seconds. With over 900 competitors competing here in Atlanta, you have to stand out from head to toe in order to get that nod from the judges.

Congratulations to all NPC Amateur Athletes that made it this far to compete.

This weekend at the 2012 NPC Nationals, there will be a total of 62 new IFBB Pros crowned in Atlanta. for some, it's taken years to get here and when it's all said and done, it's over in a matter of seconds. With over 900 competitors competing here in Atlanta, you have to stand out from head to toe in order to get that nod from the judges.

Congratulations to all NPC Amateur Athletes that made it this far to compete.



Brian Yersky

Super Heavyweight

1. Brian Yersky
2. Anthoneil Champagnie
3. Joe DeRousie
4. Anthony Tenuta
5. Rudy Richards
Akim Williams
Alex Champion
Audrius Jegelevicius
Augrey Gaines
Beshara Shiferawe
Blair Mone
Derek Upshaw
Dusty Hanshaw
Eboni Wilson
Emeka Okammor
Erik Weaver
Gabriel Latifi
James Davis
James Swanson
Jeff Johnson
Joe Powell
Jon Blatz
Joseph Mackey
Kevin Tomasini
Kevin Jordan
Matthew Evans
Melvin Alston
Mitchell Hess
Nathan Stgeiger
Nicholas Zak
Ty Young


1. Justin Compton
2. Lloyd Dollar
3. Robert Youells
4. Bryan Kerridge
5. Rafael Jaramillo
Alexis Rolon
Anthony Ferreira
Brad Rowe
Bryan Barth
Christopher Hobbs
Erik Ramirez
Frankie Paulk
James Hatchey
Jerry Lewis Hall
Jhovanny Rodriguez
Joel Thomas
John Pitsch
Jon LeGrande
Jonathan Jaquay
Josh Hadan
Kaden Vu
Kenya Williams
Kris Lecomte
Lucas Scherer
Marcus Seidel
Matthew Lowden
Michael Symkoviak
Saiid Tejan-Kamara
Sergio Oliva
Shane Clark
Shaunte Blakely
Tab Hunter
Thomas Rojas
Tim Liggins
Tony Frierich
Zdenek Voprada

Light Heavyweight

1. Adam Cohen
2. Cory Mathews
3. Kevin Ofurum
4. Arthur Reed
5. Yumon Eaton
Alejandro Cambronero
Alexey Gonzalez
Benny Brantley
Brad Davis
Brett Winne
Christian Simmons
Clayton Johnson
Dan Margolis
David Fisch
Derrick Leslie
Dominic Semenza
George David Medrano
Jamaal Campbell
Jamie Silmon
Jean Claude Desardouin
Kyle Witherspoon
Manuel Torres
Matthew Mertens
Michael Jirovec
Michael Adam Lane
Mike Best
Philip Tribble
Richard Burke
Ronald King
Ryan Walters
Vinny Que


1. Anthony Paitaris
2. Steven Silverman
3. Edward Foster
4. Theodore Atkins Jr
5. Jose Rivera
Adam Strachman
Alvin Miller
Arleigh Bumanglag
Bobby Kimmel
Byron Barnes
Chauncey Wilson
Chris Denton
Dale Pierce
Effi Kivelevitz
George Thibault
Johnny Ray Speight
Julio Hernandez
Julius Rumingan
Lawton Bacon
Max Nicolas
Ray Barnett
Robert Wichman
Roger Romance
Stoil Stoilov
Timoney Fernandez
Wayne Williams


1. Artin Shahnazarian
2. Brandon Williams
3. Todd Scott
4. Victor Delcampo
5. Denver Smith
Bret Tinder
Chad Frenzel
Chris Kutz
Christopher SanJuan
Clarence Tyler
Dean Parave
Dickens Fenelon
Hardy Wood
Jason Neatherlin
Ori Atkins
Tim Ward
Trey Belcher


1. Chris Darby
2. Johnny McKnight
3. Leon Dozier
4. Gene Johnson
5. Damion Ricketts
Ariel Alberto
Barry Morris
Craig Hall
Hiep Nguyen
Jacques Pitcher
Jaron Mosley
Johnny Traynor
Kob Yan
Luis Moreno
Paul Pulitano
Reno Vasaturo
Robert Shields
Todd Lee


1. Shaun Clarida
2. Alejandro Ojeda
3. Jose Vargas
4. George Gibson
5. William Anger
Alejandro Almaquer
Andre Maldonado
Castor Guzman
Frankie Ferguson
Paul Gillison
Thomas Walker

















Nicole Sims

Class A

1. Danielle Sereluca
2. Angela Coleman
3. Samantha Maycock
4. Maria Aracena
5. Kelly McGehee
6. Erica Blockman
7. Colleen McMahon
8. Yubia DePina
9. Vickie Biberian
10. Melissa Girard
11. Brenda Gabbard
12. Huong Vo
13. Michelle Moore
14. Esthela Heiler
15. May Strickland
16. Darcy Dassow
16. Julie Paquin
16. Kandace Shelby
16. Keysa Ortiz Garcia
16. Lynda Figueredo
16. Michelle Beatty
16. Natalia Young
16. Rina Patel
16. Stacy Reese

Class B

1. Jennifer Baker
2. Christy Allen
3. Jennifer Moriarty
4. Traci McDonald
5. Amy Phillips
6. Megan Wyble
7. Kelly Hater
8. Hallie Cook
9. Danielle Price
11. Lacy Smith
11. Vickie Dowell
12. Valeria Palamidy
13. Trisha Fleisher
14. Lia Taylor
15. Megan Morris
16. Autumn Cleveland
16. Aymara Mesia Baquero
16. Brooke Merritt
16. Christina Chance
16. Hilda Pastoriza
16. Kelly Diffenderfer
16. Laura Foster
16. Maggie Corso
16. Mindi Giroir
16. Sheri Lynn Cochran
16. Stacey Morton
16. Susan McDonald
16. Tiffany Faxon
16. Veronica Belletto
16. Victoria Flores

Class C

1. Nicole Sims
2. Tamara Sedlack
3. TJ Wiltz
4. Kimberly Zachry
5. Christine Gardner
6. Michelle Krause
7. Megan Donnelson
8. Stacy Charles
9. Kellie Jo Sullivan
10. Sarah Hoy
11. Chioma Uwasomba
12. Kim Haines
13. Gina Policastro
14. Celeste Hunt
15. Tatum Bounds
16. Amy Ramage
16. Anya Spector
16. April DeLaPaz
16. Barbara Anderson
16. Charlene Floyd
16. Christy Seguin
16. Courtney Christiana
16. Elizabeth James
16. Erica Otero
16. Erica Clark
16. Hyla Conrad
16. Jeannette Samuelson
16. Jodi Young
16. Kimberly Elizabeth
16. Kristi Popp
16. Laurene Leckwold
16. Lorrie Belcher
16. Michelle Smith
16. Samantha Belcher
16. Shelly Cannon
16. Tiffany Garrett
16. Yvette Ortega-Garrison

Class D

1. Cydney Gillon
2. Michelle Shepherd
3. Vanessa Naesheim
4. Lauren Michelle Valentino
5. Amanda Quinlan
6. Joel Lamothe
7. Kristy McKinney
8. Zahira Landestoy
9. Kelli Ruth
10. Jennifer Brown
11. Ashley Lemmons
12. Vanessa Rahn
13. Marcie Trujillo
14. Cristen Autry
15. Dixie Reynolds
16. Brandee Shropshire
16. Brandy Smith
16. Bren Lauver
16. Carla Araujo
16. Carson Costello
16. Chantelle Huber
16. Christina Larson
16. Christine Conoscenti
16. Denise Cadenas
16. Donna Maria Alexander
16. Erin Davis
16. Grace Ripslinger
16. Jami Shields
16. Jennifer Dees
16. Karla Rodriguez
16. Kisha Lane
16. Laura Bailey
16. Lindsay Farling
16. Lisa Tanker
16. Lita Lewis
16. Lori Canova
16. Michelle Brown
16. Querida Jones
16. Rachael Loftis
16. Renee Mengel
16. Rhionnon MacKenzie
16. Sarah Pitsch
16. Siene Allen
16. Vicki Mullins

Class E

1. Corinna Booth
2. Elizabeth Jenkins
3. Jennifer Iritano
4. Tara Lynn Zito
5. Kimberly Linton
6. Annette Mendez
7. Jennifer Delgado
8. Kate Grevey
9. Mystra Tillotson
10. Chelsey Young
12. Yolanda Anthony
13. Kasey Tabar
14. Melina Lee
15. Kim Steckman
16. Amy Caperton
16. Brigette King
16. Caroline Lovino
16. Claudia Navarro Meijberg
16. Katie Kreidler
16. Kaylan Ostrander
16. Melanie cole
Krystal Bogan

Class F

1. Belinda Hope
2. Tanya Weinle
3. Echo Johnson
4. Veronica Jackson
5. Sailyn DeBernardis
6. Terina Perry
7. Amanda Betron
8. Stephanie Naeau
9. Sarah Wernert
10. Roshonda Schmitt
11. Bryana Turner
12. Casidy Welch
13. Heather Moore
13. Kimberly Duncan
14. Leslie Ward
15. Sabina Moise
16. Amber Price
16. Brittany Murchie
16. Camille Clarke
16. Cheryl Lenzer
16. Debbie Westby
16. Denise Holloway
16. Hannah Ringholm
16. Heather Horton
16. Jessica Curry
16. Katie LeBoeuf
16. Kelsey Boe
16. Kimberly Dickson
16. Maria Carson
16. Monica Richard
16. Monica Perez
16. Rebekah Willich
16. Samantha Baker
16. Shayann Schuessler
16. Tia Trent
16. Victoria Hamm



Angela Skeels

Class A

1. Francine Slobodnik
2. Joy Grajo
3. Queenie Pe Benito
4. Rosie Gavilanes
5. Denise Trlica
Adriana Valero
Alexxa Condon
Amber Sizemore
Ana Grace Livingston
Crystal Nelson
Elena White
Heather Jane Cutrona
Hunnika Rodriguez
Joanne Holden
Megan McGraw
Nina Tamez-Mendez
Priscilla Prunella
Stephanie Broman
Tiffany Gaughan

Class B

1. Desiree Niemann
2. Candice Conroy
3. Yen Nguyen
4. Samantha Ann Leete
5. Isabell Rodericks
Alexandra Adams
Arianne Fellows
Aubrie Sauer
Brianna Rafferty
Caitlin Watkins
Deborah Goodman
Elle DeLallo
Jennifer Stevens
Karen Meiling Hardy
Karla Page
Maria DiNello
Marianny Rondon
May Maung
Melanie Kate
Natasha Julian
Patreceia Mathis
Samantha Slaven
Shareen Holmes
Shira Searle
Susan Waters
TauMee King
Valerie Ortega
Vanessa Lackey
Violeta Torregrosa-Ayala

Class C

1. Crystal Green
2. Ashley Wade
3. Katherine Williams
4. Antanique Landry
5. Jessica Andrade
Ali Sanders
Ashley Cabot
Brittany Rene Williams
Charish Hammond
Collette Barbera
Cristina Ortiz
Crystalyn Sonnier
Daniella Giafardino
Deanndra Paghi
Dianet Pereda
Elizabeth Yisrael
Emily Sanders
Felicia Flake
Gena Baisa
Grace Muraski
Hannah Jacobs
Heather Rickard
Heidi Allen-Patterson
Jacqui Rose
Jenna Potter
Jodi Perl
Jordan Duffey
Julie Schoomaker
Kathy Ellington
Katie Kull
Larissa Koenig
Lisa Campbell
Mylien Nguyen
Penny Wyatt
Phuong Tu
Renee Janda
Sarah Ingmanson
Sharitha McKenzie
Shinda Obey
Tara Ashley
Tatum Miranda
Tianna Wesselmann
Tiffany Upshaw
Yarishra Ayala Otero

Class D

1. Angela Skeels
2. Francesca Yumul
3. Liana Hamilton
4. Biani Xavier
5. Brittany Adams
Amber Herring
Ashley Pfaff
Chelsea Fitzgerald
Crystal Fassler
Crystal Allen
Denita Clark
Elina Abla
Elvira Becirovic
Emily Carey
Haley Davis
Hope Haarer
Jennifer Toro
Jennifer Trinker
Jessica Valencia
Justine Moore
Kadie McDuffie
Kelly Dominick
Kristy Cisneroz
Lindsay Nutter
Natalie Jarvis
Nola June
Robyn Ray
Sally Kaminski
Samantha Mason
Sarah Trattler
Sherry Hasty
Siliana Gaspard
Stephanie Mahoe
ThuAn Nguyen
Valerie Betancourt
Yna Castillo

Class E

1. Amy Allen
2. Aly Veneno
3. Alexis Montgomery
4. Molly Parkton
5. Juna Simon
Abby Clark
Aimee Roa
Ashley Higgerson
Asia Schroeder
Brandi Harper
Brittany Tegeler
Chantal Rzewnicki
Christa Gray
Christina Profancik
Claudia Jaramillo
Elena Leonetti
Eva Escamilla
Jade Carroll
Krisha Mayberry
Lindsey Barton
Maggie Lane
Marisa Taylor
Michele Cicalese
Sarah Sloane
Stevee Hight
Susan Perry
Tonya Boardman
Whitney Mialkowski

Class F

1. Kerri Hayes
2. Kalyn Link
3. Sumiko Marie Duncan
4. Nakita Nedd
5. Katie Coles
Alley Martin
Allison Hubbell
Amanda Martin
Amy Hardigree
Asia Parker
Brittney Stracener
Christina Penegar-Tucker
Christine Hronec
Eleni Maroudas
Emily Herrington
Jessica Rowe
Jill LaDawn Jackson
Katie Gibson
Kesha Hutton
Kim Frempong
LaJean Morrow
Lindsay Brooke Mannion
Lisa Bockwell
Madolyn Elias
Micah Archibald
Stephanie Lynn Fross












Vincent Fiore

Class A

1. Vincent Fiore
2. Stephan Mass
3. Alex Croteau
4. Antonio Baker
5. Jose Rodriguez
Andre Carvana
Austin Standage
Chris Freeman
Core Diniz
Humberto Lopez
Jeremy Puszakowski
Joe Davidson
Jonathan Cooper
Jonathon Wills
Jordan Trosclair
LeVar Phoenix
Michael Matassa
Patrick John Weitzel
Reynaldo Pickwoad
Rondrickas Darby
Shane Post
Shannon Thomas
Shaun Gaiser
Steve Smith
Thanh Tran
Trey Digilio
WIlliam Suvak
Winston Tsai
You Peng

Class B

1. Sean Harley
2. Luke Boehm
3. Matty Wahidi
4. Abel Albonetti
5. Earnest Flowers
Alec Ontiveros
Anthony Forgione
Brian Boatright
Christopher White
David Pichla
David Kantrowitz
Jason Ronald Williams
Jonathan Antignani
Jonathan Le
Michael Chillino
Travis Young
Travis Robinson
Victor Clark

Class C

1. Corey Hammac
2. Ken Rawlins
3. John Gioffre
4. German Pacheco
5. Jake Phippen
Benjamin Jones
Donald Beckwith
Frank Fata
Fredrick Long
Jason McHale
Khino Brackeen
Louay Bachir
Matthew Cardwell
Peter Ray
Raphael Sterns
Rob Blankenship
Robert Ortiz
Shawn Labega
Thomas Canepa
Todd Tyler

Class D

1. Keenon LeBlanc
2. Jonathan Cetera
3. Colin Horn
4. Nicholas Cunico
5. Emmanuel Banks
Alex Atanasov
Ben Larson
Brandon Odom
Bruce Coleman
Bryan Waring
Christopher Thompson
Cody Hill
Critelli Scatolini
Curtis Pressley
Danick Dumas
DeWayne Triplett
Dexter Hardy
Edward Sasser
Franklin Elliott
Geobanny Paula
Greg Langlais
Jamil Thompson
Jason Zmuda
Jerrad Swodeck
Joe Klamka
Joey Bruns
John Dougherty
Josh Cohn
Josh Randolph
Joshua Moss
Julius Roberts
Kenneth Parker
Kerry Buch
Lundell Keller
Mario Deluca
Miles Jones
Nick Dalessandro
Pierre Vuala
Qaadir Majeed
Robinson Janvier
Rodney Razor
Ronnie Amadi
Shaun Ragon
Theron Moodie
Todd Mendoza
Travales Blount
Walter Nash
William Miller

Class E

1. Colin Wasiak
2. Ian Lauer
3. Evan Stokes
4. David Kampfe
5. Jacques Lewis
Brennan Schleutker
Brian Treat
Chad Demchik
Dan Babcock
David Hill
James Rysaac
Jim Holcomb
Michael Lavelanet
Michael Johnson
Ron DaCosta
Rudy Thoms
Tim Frosh
Xavisus Gayden

Class F

1. Russell Waheed
2. Tory Woodward
3. Matt Pattison
4. Wade Hayes
5. Antionne Scott
Aaron O'Connell
Anthony Brigman
Barry Smith
Brand Will
Brandon Hewitt
Branko Teodorovic
Brian Cox
Byron Marks
Chad Abner
Chaz Williams
Damir Delic
David Lamb
Donald Rolle
Dustin Homan
Eric Turner
Eugene Moore
Ian Fo
Jeremiah Towery
Jesse Cabot
Joe Cantu
Jonathan Menocal
Joshua Sonnier
Josue Vazquez
Justin Edwards
Kendall Clark
Lawrence Murphy
Lonnie Grady
Michael O'Keefe
Nathan Lewis
Negus Ferguson
Scott Clifton
Shawn Stany
Tony Marcola
Vanteris Barnswell
Zoltan Krempaszky



Juanita Blaino

Earned Pro Card

Crystal Rieke
Rene Marven
Kira Neuman


1. Juanita Blaino
2. Nikki Perry-Stadelman
3. Susan Marie Smith
4. Dana Richards
5. Sue Scheppele
6. Tina Zampa
7. Audry Peden
9. Tischa Thomas
10. Anne Dudash
11. Julie Peavey
12. Natalie Bizzarri Ciccone
13. Jessica Link

Light Heavyweight

1. Kira Neuman
2. Karen Choat
3. Kristine Mele
4. Myra Adams
5. Jessica Simonet
6. Joella Bernard
7. Miava Nelson
8. Ivette Sheek
9. Margie Martin
10. Amanda Wright


1. Rene Marven
2. Cassie Bates
3. Holly Chambliss
4. JoLynn Shane
5. Tomefafa Ameko
6. Leah Wilson
7. Melanie Landry
8. Cheryl Faust
9. Mary Stanton


1. Crystal Rieke
2. Linda Smith
3. Stephanie Kitner
4. Patricia Watson
5. Tiffany Delano
6. Maria Caroline Davis
7. Angelita McGhee
8. Vanessa Valdez
9. Dana Lowe
10. Donna Sweat




























































































Toni West

Class A

1. Danielle Reardon
2. Lindy Waid
3. Rosela Joseph
4. Giselle Fernandez
5. Jennifer Jaques-Conn
Adina Edwards
Camala LaRocco
Jami Frenkel
Jill Vadala
Jill Leake
Laveca Smith
Tonya Shull

Class B

1. Katie Bartlett
2. Audrey Presson
3. Rachael McMillan
4. Miss Bennett
5. Ally Baker
Fern Assad
Holland Canter
Jamie Young
Janet Gerber
Katie Chin
Mariah Lane
Mia Howard
Nancy Espinal
Natalie Bastiao Thumser
Nickie Clark
Rebecca Cooper
Rocio Gullen
Shauna Lewis
Viviana Fabrizio-Soldano

Class C

1. Toni West
2. Jamie Nicole Pinder
3. Tracy Weller
4. Alisa Allen
5. Alicia King
Dawn Borjas
Dorothy Trojanowicz
Eda Greene
Ginger Martin
Janelle Miller
Jayla McDermott
Jayme Appleman
Jenetta Thompson
Jessica Bowman
Jessica Gaines-Ortiz
Kayla Sellers
Kendel Dolen
Kimberly Goeden
Melissa Hong
Stephanie Hannon

Class D

1. Asha Hadley
2. Alisa Alday
3. Tammy Bleile
4. Lynnie Brooks
5. Joanna Wilson
Brienne Eubanks
Catherine Zidell
Heather Peterson Lockhart
Jennifer Brent
Lindsay Rojas
Roxie Beckles
Violet Wilson















































































NPC 2012 Nationals

NPC 2012 Nationals