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Read articleWhen people think of muscle, the first bodypart to come to mind is the biceps. Of course, the triceps make up the majority of the upper arm, so they need attention as well. Big arms can make a big statement in bodybuilding, but who has the biggest of them all? It would be very difficult to measure each champion’s size, but the Prime Time Muscle crew speculated about who may be the main event of bodybuilding’s version of a gun show.
“Robby Robinson, the Black Prince,” responded Chris Cormier when host Tim Wilkins asked for suggestions. The 1994 Masters Olympia champion certainly had a great pair of arms, and he still shows them off now in occasional videos at 76 years old. Terrick El Guindy focused on a seven-time Mr. Olympia as his choice.
“Phil Heath had amazing freaking arms,” he said boldly. “It was the triceps, the biceps, and the muscle bellies on the arms. If I could just borrow one arm to go and walk down Santa Monica with a sleeveless shirt on, it would be Phil Heath.”
Other names that had been suggested by both Cormier and El Guindy included Lee Priest, Roelly Winklaar, and they even stepped outside of the men’s open by mentioning 2023 Arnold Classic Physique
champion Ramon Rocha Querioz. When it came to current stars of the sport, all three men agreed with the name Nick Walker.
“Nick Walker has those massive forearms,” Wilkins explained. Forearms are also a part of the package, and they need to be in proportion with the upper arm if the competitor flexing them wants a chance at winning.
Aside from this topic, the guys also talked about possible future locations for the Olympia as well as the 2023 Masters Olympia in Romania on August 26-27. Subscribe to the Olympia TV YouTube channel to see this show as well as other popular shows such as Femme Flex Friday and The Fit Rockstar Show as well as other exclusive content.