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After annoying my family for years with my snoring, I finally decided to try some anti snoring devices.
So far, I’ve tried about 20 different products, and most felt uncomfortable and didn’t do anything to stop my snoring.
But through trial and error, I found some that have helped me stop snoring altogether.
To share what I discovered, I put together this review of the five best anti snoring devices that actually work.
Here are my picks:
The first four products on the list are mouthpieces and the final product, Smart Nora, is a less invasive anti snoring pillow.
If you’re looking for a device to help you stop snoring, then read on to find out why I think these five are the best.
I think AirSnore is the best anti snoring device on the market right now.
It’s the easiest to fit, feels the most comfortable, and prevents snoring as soon as you wear it.
AirSnore offers two products.
Their main product is the anti snoring mouth guard, and for a little extra, you can get the AirSnore drops to clear your airways so you can breathe easier and snore less.
Initially, I was skeptical of the AirSnore products and wondered whether they worked.
The AirSnore mouthpiece may look like a sporting mouthguard, but it’s actually a medical device backed by solid clinical research.
It’s technically known as a ‘mandibular advancement device’ or ‘MAD’ for short.
MAD devices prevent snoring by keeping your lower jaw forward during sleep.
This prevents the soft palate from blocking the nasal airway, which is what causes snoring as the air gets pushed through a narrow pathway.
As AirSnore’s website points out, there are many reasons why people snore, including weight, age, and even sleeping position.
But MAD devices have been proven to work for most snoring sufferers.
According to this study, MAD mouthpieces have been successfully used by patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and are proven to work.
The AirSnore is a “boil-and-bite” device which means you drop it into hot water to soften up the material, then wait for it to cool a little before biting down and molding it around your teeth.
You can repeat these steps and remold the device as many times as necessary until it fits perfectly. Dropping the AirSnore in cold water sets it in place.
You can also use the AirSnore drops, which contain natural ingredients like eucalyptus oil and lavender oil, to open your airways at night.
I ordered an AirSnore from the official website and ordered the drops.
Here’s what happened when I tried it.
Setup and Comfort
Getting the AirSnore to fit comfortably was easy.
I softened it in hot water and bit down to form it around my teeth. The material is incredibly soft and didn’t dig into my gums. I then ran it under cold water to set it.
The first night I used the AirSnore, I was surprised that I could wear it comfortably all night without having to remove it.
Before using the AirSnore, my snoring was so loud it used to wake my family up, and we were often tired the next day.
The first night I used it, I drifted off to sleep quickly, and according to my wife, I didn’t snore at all.
My whole family was happy and well rested the next day, and I felt way more energized and in a better mood.
I’ve been using the AirSnore for months, and it is still in great condition and works every night I use it.
The Drops
The drops were great, and I felt my airways opening, but I wouldn’t say they are necessary for the device to work.
The mouthpiece still works to prevent me from snoring when I don’t use the drops.
AirSnore Is My Number 1 Recommendation
After testing the AirSnore and a range of other anti snoring devices, I think it is the best anti snoring device you can buy right now.
It’s well made and will last a long time.
I also think it is reasonably priced, easy to use, comfortable to wear, and most importantly, it works.
Plus, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so that you can try it, and if you’re not impressed, you can get your money back.
Click here to order the AirSnore device and finally stop snoring today!
Second place on my list of the best anti-snoring devices is SnoreRx.
Like the AirSnore, the SnoreRx is a “boil-and-bite” device designed to be worn all night and prevent the lower jaw from moving backward during sleep.
The brand offers two mandibular advancement device (MAD) mouthpieces, the SnoreRx and the more advanced SnoreRx Plus.
Both devices offer an effective and affordable way to help stop snoring.
According to Apnea Science, the SnoreRx keeps the lower jaw propped forward and the airways open.
Unlike the AirSnore mouthpiece, the SnoreRx has two separate pieces that can be precisely adjusted in one-millimeter increments.
Apnea Sciences calls this feature “Micro Fit technology” and says that users can start at the minimum setting (1 mm) and then adjust it until they see results.
The SnoreRx is marked with one-millimeter increments, and you simply squeeze and slide until they are at the desired setting.
The other feature that sets SnoreRx apart from other MAD-type mouthpieces is that it’s made from a special ‘thermal matrix’ that Apnea Sciences says makes it feel more comfortable when worn for long periods.
SnoreRx vs. SnoreRx Plus: What’s the difference?
The $99 SnoreRx Plus is a newer, improved version of the $59 SnoreRx that features full mouth movement.
The makers say this makes it easier to adjust and shortens the time it takes you to get used to the device.
So, what are customers saying about the SnoreRx?
The official SnoreRx website features more than 2,300 reviews from verified customers, and overall, most people seem happy with the device.
I decided to buy the SnoreRx Plus device and use it for over two months.
I found it easy to fit and liked how simple it was to adjust, but it had a few downsides compared with the AirSnore.
Firstly, the SnoreRx kept my jaws slightly farther apart than the AirSnore. This was great for airflow but didn’t make for such a comfortable sleeping experience.
Secondly, while it was nice to be able to adjust the SnoreRx precisely, this makes the device slightly bulkier than the AirSnore.
As someone who doesn’t have a large jaw, this made it a bit uncomfortable compared to my top pick.
Although it was a bit less comfortable for me, SnoreRx did work to prevent my snoring, and it feels premium and well-made.
It’s definitely one of the best anti-snoring devices and comes with a generous 30-day money-back guarantee, letting you try it without risking a penny.
Click here to visit the official SnoreRx website and see how it will help stop your snoring today.
Third place on my list of the best anti snoring devices goes to ZQuiet.
ZQuiet is another MAD-type mouthpiece device that helps open your airways so you can breathe more easily and stop snoring.
Unlike the SnoreRx, which uses a ‘squeeze-and-slide” adjustment method, the ZQuiet comes in two sizes to find your optimal fit.
With the ZQuiet, there’s no need to boil and bite to get a perfect fit. You simply test one of the ready-to-use mouthpieces and see which one feels more comfortable.
With free shipping, a 2-size starter pack costs just $69.95, and you can easily re-order whichever size works best.
The ZQuiet website features almost 468 reviews from verified buyers, such as Judy J, who says it helped reduce her husband’s snoring so much that they are now sleeping in the same bedroom again after years of sleeping apart.
When I tested the ZQuiet, I loved how easy it was to fit and use, and it was nice not having to go through the boil and bite process.
According to my wife, I barely snored while using the ZQuiet device, but I snored a little.
I think the device is a bit less effective than my top picks because it doesn’t use the boil-and-bite method, which provides a snug custom fit.
As the ZQuiet is so simple, I found the slimmer, lighter design comfortable and loved the way it hinges at the back, letting me open my mouth slightly.
I rated ZQuiet third on my list because it doesn’t use the “boil-and-bite” method.
Although this makes it super-convenient to use, it also doesn’t stay in place as readily as the AirSnore or SnoreRx.
Still, the ZQuiet has an impressive 60-night guarantee, so you can always get your money back if you try it and it doesn’t work.
Click here to visit the ZQuiet website and learn how it will help you stop snoring.
Fourth place on my list of the best anti-snoring devices is VitalSleep.
VitalSleep is an anti-snoring mouthpiece made in the USA that claims to help anyone “reclaim a good night’s sleep”.
The makers say that it “eradicates snoring at its source by opening your airways” and say it’s FDA-cleared and made from BPA-free plastic.
In common with the AirSnore and SnoreRx, the VitalSleep mouthpiece uses the “boil-and-bite” method to create a custom impression of your teeth – a process that can be repeated if necessary.
The lower tray can be adjusted according to how severe your snoring is using a system that the company calls “Accu-Adjust”.
It involves using a metal key to loosen and then adjust the tray.
A key feature of the VitalSleep mouthpiece is that it’s available in men’s and women’s sizes, with the woman’s size being 10 percent smaller.
A standout feature of the VitalSleep website is its reviews page which features thousands of glowing reviews from happy customers.
Take Leon, for example, who says he snores for less than a minute per night when he uses VitalSleep and has tons of energy with less brain fog when he wakes up in the morning.
The VitalSleep mouthpiece worked wonders for my snoring when I tested it and got the job done.
I found the Accu-Adjust system simple to use but a bit of a hassle compared to the other devices.
I didn’t rate the VitalSleep higher because I prefer slimmer, lighter mouthpieces, and the VitalSleep is a little bulkier.
VitalSleep is incredibly durable and sturdy, offering a 60-night money-back guarantee and free replacements for one year.
Click here to visit the VitalSleep website and learn more about how it will help you stop snoring.
Fifth place on my list of the best anti snoring devices is the Smart Nora.
The Smart Nora is different from my top four picks. It doesn’t go in your mouth. Instead, it turns any pillow into an anti-snoring device.
The Smart Nora has three parts:
When the Smart Nora detects snoring, it pumps air under your pillow and moves it to activate your neck muscles.
This, in turn, helps open your airways and stops you from snoring.
The Smart Nora has over 1,400 5-star reviews with the New York Times, recently voting it the “Best Sleeping Device” for the third year running.
When I tested the Smart Nora, it took me a few nights to see an improvement, but it was by far the most comfortable of all the anti snoring devices I tried.
According to my wife, the Smart Nora helped adjust my sleeping position as soon as I began snoring, which prevented me from going into a loud snoring episode without waking up.
At $359 or $33 per month, the Smart Nora is the priciest anti snoring device I tested, but it’s well worth the money.
If you find wearing a mouthpiece uncomfortable and it difficult to get to sleep wearing them, I recommend the Smart Nora.
Plus, it comes with a 30-night money-back guarantee. So even though it’s expensive, you can get your money back if it doesn’t work for you.
Click here to visit the Smart Nora website and see how it will help you to stop snoring.
All 5 of these products have helped me to stop snoring so that my family and I can get a good night’s rest.
All these products come with money-back guarantees, so you can try them and get your money back if you’re not impressed.
Here’s the list again:
While I got great results from all five of these products, if I could recommend just one, it would be AirSnore.
This one is the most comfortable to wear, and I never snore when wearing it.
Click here to visit the AirSnore website and see how it will help you stop snoring today.
Thanks for reading my article on the best anti snoring devices, and I hope they help you to stop snoring too!
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