Single-Dumbbell Seated Overhead Triceps Extension

This exercise is a variation to the seated dumbbell overhead triceps extension. It isolates and strengthen the triceps and also improves shoulder stability and mobility. Using a single weight makes the move easier to control.


  1. 398_A
    Sit on a bench holding one dumbbell with both hands. Extend your arms fully and raise the weight overhead.
  2. Single-Dumbbell Seated Overhead Triceps Extension
    Lower the dumbbell behind your head, bending at the elbows. Keep your elbows steady. Stop just shy of the dumbbell touching your neck. Pause for one second, then extend your arms back to the starting position overhead.

Trainer’s Tips

  • Avoid moving your upper arms as you bring the dumbbells behind your head.
  • Don't perform this move quickly. Slowly lower the weights to feel a stretch in your triceps.