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Read articleGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is set for release on Friday, which can only mean the cast will be hopping from network to network to promote the film that has been receiving positive reviews. What made this one special, though, was former WWE superstar Dave Bautista rolled in with a new clip (at the 1:18 mark of the video).
Although Drax had several comedic moments to shine in the original Guardians film, it looks like that was expounded upon in the new movie.
SEE ALSO: Drax Attacks The Traps
Despite Bautista not being initially comfortable with some of the script, he powered through—and it seems to have turned out pretty well.
Outside of Guardians Vol. 2, Bautista’s upcoming projects include Blade Runner 2049 and Avengers: Infinity War.
SEE ALSO: Chris Pratt Leads His ‘Family’ In ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2’ Behind-The-Scenes Featurette