I started After-School All-Stars (ASAS) 23 years ago to ensure that all kids have the supportive environment that I had growing up so they develop their full potential. Because my parents provided me with a solid foundation, I became a strong and successful person. I have six rules for success that I want all kids to understand:

SEE ALSO: Arnold Schwarzenegger Rocks a Tank for ASAS>>


1. Trust Yourself

2. Break Some Rules

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

4. Avoid the Naysayers

5. Work Like Hell

6. Give Something back


In regards to the last rule, Arnold presents a great way to support the After-School All-Stars program.

It’s simple: $7 dollars = 1 day of after-school programs for 1 kid; $35 a week; $1,000 a year.

For every one child in an after-school program, two are waiting to get in. Don’t let them walk home on their own.

“Give Something Back” so we can get kids off waiting lists and into the program.
