28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleOdds are you’re one of Paige Hathaway’s 4 million social media followers (1½ million on Instagram alone). If so, you probably think you know all there is about her. But you don’t know the half of it; at least that’s what she says.
Where were you born?
I was born in Minnesota, then moved to Mustang, Oklahoma.
I’m a sucker for cheese pizza (extra cheese, obviously).
I could watch Talladega Nights 500 times.
I have a degree in sports medicine.
I would love to work with the Thunder.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a singer (a la Britney Spears, maybe).
I can’t stand burpees.
I’ve stripped naked for bodybuilding.com, and was teased for being so shy about it.
My favorite outfit is a pair of converse, cut-offs and a tank top.
I grew up in foster care, but I’m extremely proud of the success that I’ve created despite it.
I was once taking a goofy Snapchat, and my braid had gotten caught under my armpit.
Do you ever get weird fan requests?
Yes, I’ve gotten asked for my smelly gym shoes and marriage proposals. I’ve also gotten jewlery from fans.
I’ll admit that I’ve used Tinder, and I do think dating sites are the best way to meet people today.
I think I’m single because I am too picky, but I may lower my standards to just find a ‘normal guy.’
I can change my own brake pads, and I know how to work on a car.
I wish I had said yes to fitness modeling years ago.